Simulation allows us to understand our day to day operations and make improvements based on changes both internal and external. During a pandemic, it is more critical than ever to utilize this tool to avoid extra costs and effectively changeover. We’re seeing many different organizations tackle large changes through the power from Arena Simulation such as machine retooling, social distancing requirements, and of course, health care needs.
Tyler DiFrischia

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Topics: Manufacturing, Tips & Tricks, Project Management, Healthcare
Time is our most precious commodity, and wasting even the smallest amount can be detrimental to your business.
In a previous role, I worked in logistics, specifically with manufacturers in the northeastern United States. Every job we performed required specific arrival, processing, and departure times. Any extra downtime would increase costs both internally on labor and externally on driver detention (see Issue Type – Driver Detention). On one job in particular, we had a series of trucks arriving over four nights, three trucks at a time. Each truck had a specific arrival time of 5:00PM, 7:00PM, and 9:00PM. If we weren’t on time we typically saw costs of: