Academic Symposium Recordings

Listed below are the list of recordings from the Academic Symposium. Clicking on the title of the session will take you to the recording. We have received reports that this web page does not load correctly for some. If you are having issues viewing this page, you can download the content here

Welcome and Agenda Review
Tyler DiFrischia & Julie Robinson
Join us here to meet the Arena Simulation Team Members, review the day's sessions, and the various items available to you throughout the day.


Arena Simulation in The New Normal
Judy Jordan & Sue Strickling
Our Technical Experts will review how to activate lab licenses and prepare you to work with your students remotely when teaching Arena Simulation. 


The Simulation Process
Melanie Barker & Gail Kenny
Our consulting team has worked on a variety of projects and have a collective experience of over 40 years. In this session, they will review how to properly run a simulation project both before entering into Arena and after you've completed your simulation.


Rockwell Products in Academia
Brian Fortney
Arena isn't the only software Rockwell offers to academics. In this session, Brian will review the other work we do in Academia as Rockwell.


Arena 16.1 & IISE
Nancy Zupick
Arena Simulation is used in the IISE conference yearly, and Nancy will explain how you can participate


End User Feedback Session
Tyler DiFrischia
End users in the field will provide feedback on how they work in the industry today, and advise give advice for students entering the workforce.

Arena Virtual Training
Nancy Zupick
The next step for Arena training is a series of virtual sessions for you to work at your own pace. Nancy will review how you can take advantage of this, and how the interface will look.


Statistical Aspects of Simulation With Arena
David Kelton
There’s much more to simulation projects than building, verifying, validating, and running a model; doing all that is hard enough, and it would be a shame to let your model rest when it still has a lot more it can do for you. There are many probabilistic and statistical aspects to simulation, and paying attention to them will improve your model, make it more credible, and ultimately more useful and valuable. This talk will explore some of these aspects and illustrate how they work within Arena.


Techniques and Teaching Technologies
Javier Pajares & Danielle Quixadá (Paragon)
Our Arena Partner based in Brazil will present information on how they empower their students in their classroom through expertise of the software and analytics.